The New World Order, empowered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, heavily relies on mass surveillance.

The technological landscape is suffused with information-sharing platforms, connected devices and vast digital repositories of personal data. Surveillance has morphed from being a reactive form of control, used primarily for law enforcement, to a proactive mechanism for managing and controlling society. This is underpinned by the philosophical tenet of utilitarianism, whereby the benefits of preventing crime, terrorism and other societal threats are seen to outweigh the costs to individual privacy.

A notable phenomenon in the New World Order is the integration of technocratic and pharmaceutical means of control.

The technocratic paradigm predicates the application of scientific and technological knowledge to solve societal problems.

The pharmaceutical industry, on the other hand, is potent in addressing physical health, but has also evolved to cater to mental health, thereby gaining substantial influence over the psychological wellbeing of the populace. This convergence offers new ways of regulating society, not just through the physical control of bodies, but also via mental influence.

By creating a socio-technical system where information about health, wellbeing and compliance is rapidly processed and acted upon, a new form of control is established.

This is fortified by the bioethical argument that the broader societal benefit of improved health outcomes and disease prevention takes precedence over individual concerns about privacy and autonomy.

Which leads to population control.

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