Social media platforms initially emerged as a way to connect people, allowing them to share experiences, ideas, and maintain relationships across distances.

Or did they?

They actually promote anti-social behaviour.

The anonymity or semi-anonymity they offer has given rise to keyboard warriors who engage in trolling and bad faith discourse.

The algorithms that power social media platforms play a significant role in this, designed to keep users engaged for as long as possible, prioritising sensational, controversial, or polarising content.

The quest for likes, shares, and followers has turned social interaction into a social currency. Many people now engage in performative behaviours, curating their online personas to seek validation from their audience rather than forming genuine connections. This has led to a culture of comparison and inadequacy, as people measure their worth based on metrics that are often superficial and arbitrary.

The addictive nature of social media platforms has led to a decline in face-to-face interactions.

The dopamine hit received from notifications can make social media a compelling experience, at the expense of real-world social activities. People find themselves scrolling through feeds during family dinners, social gatherings, or even while having a conversation, leading to a disconnection from the immediate social environment.

Social media is anti-social media.

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