Borders play a crucial role in maintaining harmonious relationships between neighbouring countries.

They serve as clear demarcations, representing not just geographical boundaries, but also symbolising the distinction between different political, economic, and cultural systems. Borders provide a sense of order and security, a boundary within which a country can exercise its sovereignty and protect its citizens.

They enable regions to exercise control over their resources and implement their own laws and regulations effectively. Each country has its unique legal system, economic policy, and social norms, and borders help ensure these systems function smoothly without interference from external factors.

Without borders, it would be challenging to maintain and manage such complex systems, leading to potential chaos and conflict.

Moreover, borders facilitate peaceful coexistence by helping to prevent territorial disputes. Clear boundaries reduce the likelihood of conflicts over resources or land, as they demarcate what belongs to whom. By doing so, they contribute to maintaining peace and stability, not only within individual nations, but also within the global community.

Lastly, borders promote cultural diversity. Each nation represents a unique blend of culture, tradition, and language, and borders help to preserve this diversity. They allow nations to nurture and grow their distinctive cultures without external influence, enriching the global tapestry of cultural expressions.

Borders make the best neighbours.

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