A cult, in its most basic sense, is a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.

It’s a social group defined by its unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or by its common interest in a particular personality (such as Bill Gates), object, or goal (such asthe science).

These groups often have practices or beliefs that are considered abnormal or bizarre by mainstream society (unless they become mainstream society). For example, before the Covid era, wearing a face mask was a fringe behaviour. During the Covid era, it became mainstream behaviour.

The term ‘cult’ carries a connotation of extreme dedication, often to the point of obsession, and can sometimes be associated with harmful or manipulative practices.

The dangers of cults often lie in their dogmatic beliefs. Dogma refers to a set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true. This can lead to harmful behaviours, as members may be encouraged to act in ways that are detrimental to their own well-being or that of others, all in the name of adhering to the group’s dogma. For example, those of us who refused the jab became a target of hatred and discrimination, while many of those who happily injected themselves with a toxic mRNA cocktail, are now dead. (Obviously because of climate change.)

Critical thinking is a crucial tool in combating the dangers of cults, dogma, and groupthink. It involves questioning assumptions, evaluating evidence, and thinking independently.

In conclusion, while cults can provide a sense of belonging and purpose, they also carry significant risks.

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