Andrew Wakefield is a former British scientist who became widely known for his research paper published in 1998, which hinted at a possible link between the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine and autism.

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The paper in question

More specifically, in 1998, he and his team published the study in The Lancet, which involved 12 children and found evidence of a new syndrome involving gastrointestinal and developmental issues in children who received the MMR vaccine.

However, it’s important to note that the study did not actually prove a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism.

But it certainly suggested that further research is required. Which, in my opinion, is precisely what science is about.

Don’t question Big Pharma!

Nevertheless, Andrew was obliterated by the pharmaceutical establishment. After all, how dare anyone question the efficacy of vaccines! Vaccines are incredible and amazing—like unicorns and rainbows!

Vaccines are snake oil

The Lancet retracted his paper in 2010, citing ‘ethical concerns’, ‘undisclosed conflicts of interest’, and ‘flawed methodology.’


To be clear, the mainstream scientific consensus overwhelmingly rejects any link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

That said, consensus is not science.

Consensus means a general agreement or shared opinion among a group of people. Put another way, consensus is when a bunch of individuals agree and high-five one another.

They can all be wrong. And often are. For example, the mainstream scientific concensus is that humans cause global warming and that viral diseases are real.

Science relies on empirical evidence, rigorous testing and the scientific method to understand the natural world.

If you value consensus, then you don’t value science. So, the consensus surrounding Andrew’s work is irrelevant.

What matters is more research on childhood vaccines.


In 2013, Dr Brian Hooker received calls from Dr William Thompson, a CDC scientist, who revealed that the CDC had omitted crucial data from a 2004 study linking the MMR vaccine to autism. Over several months, Dr Thompson provided Dr Hooker with confidential data that had been destroyed by colleagues.

Dr Hooker, with the help of Andrew, created the above documentary, Vaxxed, exposing the government coverup.


Andrew joined me for a conversation about his rollercoaster life since the pharmaceutical industry and government tried to destroy him.

Think about it. For thousands of years, children were largely fine without being injected with all sorts of cocktails. Suddenly, in the last hundred years, they’ve needed them for better health?


Vaccination is a monstrous evil. It is time to abandon this superstitious and unscientific practice which endangers the lives of our children.

Dr Robert Gunn

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