The United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset concept are essentially variations of the same theme.

They both trace their lineage to the Bilderberg Group’s objectives from the 1950s, which themselves are derived from technocratic aspirations of the 1930s.

In essence, these initiatives present a utopian vision for the world. According to the UN,

Sustainable Development is an organising principle for meeting human development goals while also sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services upon which the economy and society depend.

While these words may sound appealing, they often lack substantive meaning.

If one were to delve deeper into their implications, Sustainable Development serves as a framework for global governance, mass control, and mass surveillance, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a term coined by Klaus Schwab.

Global public private partnerships

The UN operates as a centralised public-private partnership, enjoying support from a majority of global governments, corporations, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

This gives it a significant advantage in shaping global policy and, by extension, brings it a step closer to achieving global governance.

Iain Davis offers an analysis of how the global power structure is configured and the role the UN plays within it.

Contrary to its name, Sustainable Development is neither about sustainability nor development. Rather, it serves as a global framework for the gradual introduction of neo-Marxist ideologies, technocratic objectives, and centralised governance structures.

The concept of a “multipolar world” refers to a global order where power is distributed among multiple nations, such as the BRICS countries, as opposed to a unipolar world dominated by one or two major powers like the United States (US).

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