James Fetzer is a historian and author who covers a wide range of talking points, including JFK’s assassination, Sandy Hook and the 9/11 cover-up.

What I like about his research is that he challenges the established narratives. Of course, normies disagree, which is why he gets a lot of pushback from those don’t question what they’re fed.

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Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.

Dwight Eisenhower

Staged or not?

Mass shootings like the Boston Marathon bombing, the Orlando nightclub massacre, the Parkland school shooting, Charlottesville, and the Las Vegas attack all share one disturbing commonality: they seem to serve a much larger agenda.

In other words, how much of it is staged, and how much is real?

Shortly after the second bombing, CNN blurred some of it. Why?

James argues these tragedies weren’t just random acts of violence. Instead, they were deliberately orchestrated to disarm the public and push for stricter gun control laws.

Fewer armed citizens means a more armed state.

What’s even more unsettling is the use of crisis actors in these events.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

Joseph Goebbels

The same faces keep appearing at different scenes, he points out, raising serious doubts about the authenticity. I mean, why would the same people regularly feature in various mass shootings?

Question: What’s the difference between Hollywood and reality?

Answer: The actors.

James adds that the timelines are riddled with inconsistencies that the mainstream media conveniently ignore. It’s as if the media is in lockstep, reporting the same narrative without question, making it all the more suspicious.

Why, though?

From the millions poured into anti-gun campaigns to the profits reaped by security and surveillance companies, there’s a lot of money being made off these so-called ‘tragedies’.

It’s not just about the money, though; it’s about social engineering.

And this is important.

The goal is to manipulate public opinion and steer legislation in a direction that strips away more rights under the guise of safety, to make the state more powerful and to make us lowly peasants submissive and obedient.

Pushback means that the tide is turning and people won't blindly obey.

These events aren’t isolated incidents but part of a broader strategy to control and influence society, is what James argues.

Which is why they happen frequently.

And staged.

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

George Orwell


Greyscale Iframe

I recommend listening to (and watching) my conversation with Max Igan about the Christchurch massacre. The New Zealand government demanded that I remove it. I didn’t. I included their letter on the same page.

I also recommend listening to (and watching) my conversation with James on the Sandy Hook shooting and why Alex Jones was right about it being staged.

Subversion can attack openly, yet be secret; it can work quickly yet take its time. It can be obvious yet ambiguous; seemingly powerful yet actually weak.

Sun Tzu

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