There’s a stark difference between dogma and critical thinking; we must prioritise the latter.


Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

Sun Tzu

Critical thinking matters

My views on viruses and viral diseases have significantly changed during the Covid™ era.

Influenced by individuals like Sam and Mark Bailey, Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman and many more, I’ve grown sceptical of the conventional understanding of viruses and viral diseases.

Yet, I remain open-minded and welcome counterarguments.

Because that’s in the spirit of science.

Critical thinking involves clear, rational analysis and decision-making. It’s about reflective and independent thought, essential for navigating complex issues.

After all, it could indeed be true that viruses exist, but are merely exosomes by another name (to quote biochemist David Rasnick).

It’s dangerous to think we’ve hit the peak of scientific knowledge with nothing more to learn.

Deadly, even.

A good strategy

I would argue that we should approach all topics with a constructive strategy, such as the following.

  • Identify the relevance and importance of an idea.
  • Construct and evaluate the arguments.
  • Detect inconsistencies and mistakes in reasoning.
  • Recognise the relative prominence of opposing views.
  • Consider the relative strength of competing arguments.
  • Draw reasonable conclusions.
  • Solve problems systematically.
  • Communicate effectively.

The last point is a severe handicap of the more militant (and woke) types because they’re not interested in constructive discourse. Instead, they’re driven by hubris, fixated on ‘winning’ and ‘exposing’ others through power games.

Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.

Bruce Less

The puzzle has many pieces

Put another way, a problem with the militant no-virus brigade is that they paralyse discourse with a one-trick pony narrative as if it’s the only thing that matters.

It isn’t. 

Dismantling virology is necessary but is not sufficient.

For example, focusing only on viruses means ignoring:

You get the picture.

There are many pieces to the puzzle.

In other words, don’t lose sight of the big picture.

The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance.

Albert Einstein

Here’s my conversation with Kevin Corbett.

The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.

Sun Tzu

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