The Viral Delusion, a documentary series by Mike Wallach, featuring doctors, scientists, and journalists, dives into ‘the science’ used to justify the fake pandemic and its ridiculous ‘mitigation measures’ like lockdowns, masks, social distancing and vaccines.

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Documentary series

The following is part one.

I strongly recommend paying and watching the entire series.

The series also reveals a more foundational truth: SARS-CoV-2 exists only as a mental construct.

Put another way, there is no virus outside of a computer.

Mike argues that the belief in all contagious viruses—not just SARS-CoV-2—is a delusion.

If it sounds fringe, then consider the delusional climate change claim that humans are responsible for Earth’s changing climate. Both fields of climate change and virology rely a lot of computer modelling and very little emperical evidence.

And an invisible enemy, conveniently.


Mike’s series goes back through history, looking at the birth of virology and how its growth led to an either deliberate or emergent misunderstanding and misdiagnosis of diseases including smallpox, Spanish flu, polio, AIDS and COVID-19.

Mike essentially makes the point that everything we are told and understand about viral disease is wrong.

Think about what it means for health and wellbeing.

Think about what it means for medicine.

The part that most fascinates me is that transmissable diseases might not exist. And if they don’t exist, then something else leads to disease.

And that something else is where the actual science lies.

`The attempts to support the virus model through scientific methods have clearly failed and the imagined viruses have no known existence outside of logical fallacies and pseudoscientific claims.

Dr Mark Bailey, Virology’s Event Horizon

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