Mark Grober, a partner at a Silicon Valley investment bank and strategy firm, has authored numerous similarly themed books, each titled An End To Upside Down To [theme].

His fascination with life’s big questions began during his time as a Princeton undergrad.

He studied psychology and behavioural economics, focusing on human judgement and decision-making.

Basically, he thinks deeply about the world around us and how all the puzzle pieces fit into one another.


He dived (no, not dove) into the concept of ‘everything being upside down’ and how the COVID era has helped many people open their eyes and see the world differently.

Mark touched on the causes of illness, consciousness, health, government roles, materialism and AI.

Talking points

  • Challenging our own paradigms
  • Questioning established narratives
  • Virology and the scientific method
  • Government and voluntary society
  • Reality and materialism
  • The significance of belief systems
  • The need for open-mindedness

Consciousness doesn’t emerge from matter on its own.

Mark Gober

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