Vasily Prozorov is a former Ukrainian Secret Service (SBU) agent, who worked for the Ukrainian government between 1999 and 2018.

He worked as a central intelligence operative in Ukraine’s antiterrorism division.

Vasily is deeply saddened by Western meddling in his home country and is currently exposing the Ukrainian government’s corruption and lies.

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Complicated conversation

Due to the language barrier and challenges of using a translator, the first recording was subpar. Furthermore, he spoke to me from a warzone with damaged internet connectivity.

I asked Vasily if we could do it again a few months later, this time with just translated text prompts from me and a better location for him.

The United States and its European allies share most of the responsibility for the crisis. The taproot of the trouble is NATO expansion and the West’s disregard for Russian national security interests.

John Mearsheimer

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