Cody Lundin is a renowned professional survival instructor with over 32 years of experience. He founded the Aboriginal Living Skills School (ALSS) in Prescott, Arizona, teaching wilderness survival, primitive living skills, and urban preparedness.

Put another way, he is one of the most hardcore survivalists in the world.

Cody is the real deal.

Join our army and fight the good fight with us

He was a former host of the reality show Dual Survival, but he left after a disagreement with his co-host. I didn’t discuss all of that with him, but you can find information about it across the internet.

He is known for his practical approach to wilderness survival and is easily one of the most knowledgeable experts in the field. And, yes, he really is an expert by definition and experience.

Survival skills matter

Self-reliance is essential for handling situations independently, enabling you to care for yourself in emergencies.

It’s kinda obvious.

EDC is an excellent idea for urban life
EDC is an excellent idea for urban life

Preparation (or, the term I like, prepping) is key, as it minimises anxiety and stress while ensuring you are ready for whatever comes your way. By having the necessary supplies and knowledge at your disposal, you increase your chances of staying safe in various circumstances.

Cartoon about owning nothing and not being happy

Klaus Schwab wants you to own nothing, and governments want you to trust them for everything, which sounds pretty awful to me.

Sovereignty is very important.

Being mentally and physically prepared saves time and avoids costly mistakes. In emergencies, having what you need at hand is crucial. Being adaptable also helps, making you more resilient in all kinds of situations.

It’s a good thing to be generally prepared.

It’s also an excellent virtue of masculinity.

Just for fun, I've taught myself to start a fire without a lighter
Just for fun, I’ve taught myself to start a fire without a lighter

Strength comes not only from individual preparedness but also from fostering communities and networks.

In other words, no man is an island.

Which is why I recommend joining our private community of like-minded people from around the world.


We also chatted a bit about his fantastic off-grid house which he built in the middle of nowhere.

It was early in the morning for him, very cold outside, and he didn’t wear shoes.


Cody is an inspiration and I am convinced that the world is a better place with him in it.

Be prepared, self-reliant, and independent.

Boy Scout motto

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