Doug Wilson is a pastor, author, speaker and evangelical theologian from the United States.
He is (probably most) known for his “controversial” book Southern Slavery, As It Was and his series of debates with Christopher Hitchens.
Doug has an impressive body of work at his website and his sermons can be found at Christ Church’s website.
Doug’s outlook is ’embracing the teachings of Christ in every aspect of life.’ It sounds generic until you hear his explanation.
I have found that liberalism leads to chaos in almost every aspect of life. You just have to think about what it means to liberalise something.
Modernity is the enemy of tradition.
Back to basics
To embrace the teachings of Christ in every aspect of life, he argues, we need a robust theology that can withstand modernernity.
I suppose you could think of it as a combination of GK Chesterton and John Calvin.
Doug believes truth is objective, absolute, personal and alive. As God’s creations, we can understand Him as the ultimate truth and grasp lesser truths. He says that oversimplifying truth gives postmodernists a sense of superiority.
Which is an interesting point.
Truth is complex yet organised.
A very strong thread in Doug’s arguments is postmodernism’s influence on science, with nonsense like ‘global warming‘ and ‘sustainability‘.
I completely agree with him.