Matteo Capasso is an Italian historian and research fellow at Columbia University and Ca’ Foscari University in Venice.

His current research focuses on US-led imperialism through the lens of Libya.


Muammar Gaddafi gained control of Libya through a military coup in 1969 and held onto power for a long time. The country did relatively well under his governance.

He crafted his own political philosophy, which he detailed in the Green Book, blending Arab nationalism, socialism, and Islamic principles.

Gaddafi’s relationship with the West was complicated. At first, they viewed him as an outcast, but over time, he made efforts to improve relations. In 2011, the US and NATO invaded Libya, resulting in Gaddafi’s downfall and death. Libya has remained a mess ever since.

The great aim of my life has been to remove Arabs from the oppression of imperialism and Zionism.

Muammar Gaddafi

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