Nuclear power has been a significant source of electricity since the mid-20th century, originating with the advent of the Atomic Age, marked by the 1945 detonation of nuclear bombs during WWII.

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Super quick history

According to my very limited knowledge, the first civil nuclear power stations were built during the 1950s and Britain was a pioneer, commissioning Calder Hall, the world’s first commercial nuclear power station, I believe, in 1956.

Calder Hall, the world’s first commercial nuclear power station

Nuclear power is great

Nuclear power is incredibly efficient, producing a large amount of energy from a small amount of uranium. Unlike solar or wind energy, it isn’t dependent on weather conditions. This means it can provide a consistent and reliable power supply.

Additionally, nuclear power plants produce virtually no carbon dioxide (CO2), making them a clean energy source. They can generate electricity for several decades and require far less land than wind or solar farms to produce a comparable amount of energy.

Of course, the UN’s Sustainable Development agenda, despite having the support of most countries, is the exact opposite of its stated goals. It neither promotes sustainability nor development. Instead, it focuses on mass surveillance and control.

Nuclear power is safe

Despite concerns about radiation, modern tech has considerably mitigated risks and, contrary to popular belief, radiation is not as dangerous as widely claimed.

The politicisation of nuclear power has led to ridiculous fear porn, with anti-nuclear lobbies and green campaigns frequently pushing propaganda and other nonsense.

Furthermore, a nuclear power station operates continuously, supplying a steady baseload of energy, unlike renewable sources such as wind or solar, which rely on perfect weather conditions.

Moreover, nuclear power is cheaper over its lifetime due to its longevity and efficiency.

The big thing is lack of knowledge.

Too many people are indoctrinated.

These people are like a cult

Knowledge is power

Fear of nuclear power usually stems from high-profile disasters such as Chernobyl and Fukushima.

Chernobyl, for example, occurred due to a fundamentally flawed reactor design and inadequate safety protocols, issues that have been comprehensively addressed in modern reactors.

Meanwhile, Fukushima was hit by an exceptionally powerful earthquake and tsunami. Thousands died, not because of a radiation leak, but because of a catastrophic tidal wave.

An article from The Register—whose link, for some reason, I’m struggling to find—discussed the incident, arguing that the plant performed exceptionally well despite facing a disaster much larger than for what it was designed. The earthquake was absolutely massive, yet the reactors shut down automatically and remained safe. The subsequent tsunami knocked out backup power systems and, despite this, additional (automatic) safety measures prevented a major disaster.

Fukushima performed excellently under extremely violent conditions

To be clear, pretty much nobody (other than one or two rescue personnel) died from the nuclear plant, but over 16,000 people died from the tsunami.


Hügo Krüger is a South African nuclear engineer based in France, who has written a number of excellent articles on the topic, such as President’s Climate Report is “flawed, simplistic and inadequate” and Financing Options for Nuclear Plants.

Nuclear energy, in terms of an overall safety record, is better than other energy.

Bill Gates

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