Right Said Fred, a British pop duo formed by brothers Fred and Richard Fairbrass, are best known for ‘I’m Too Sexy’, which I believe is one of the greatest pop songs ever made. It is corny, fun, entertaining and never gets old.

Everybody knows their biography, so I won’t repeat it.

Join our army and fight the good fight with us

What happened?

Something that has disappointed me about the music industry over the last couple of years is the complete demise of its ‘sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll’ attitude.

What happened to the notorious rebelliousness?

What happened to sticking it to the man?

What happened to raging against the machine?

Masked sheep

Queen branded themselves like cattle.

Green Day branded themselves like cattle.

Offspring branded themselves like cattle.

The list goes on, in spite of there being over a thousand peer-reviewed studies on the harm caused by the jab.

Counless studies show the negative side effects caused by the jab

Thankfully, there are a few musicians who are too sexy for the shot, such as Eric Clapton, Zuby, Five Times August, Metallica and Right Said Fred.

By the way, speaking of Offspring, listen to my conversation with their (former) drummer, Pete Parada, who was fired for refusing the injection.


The Freds joined me for a very funny conversation surrounding their catchy new singles and the COVID circus.

Their single

Here is their full single that I played in the podcast.

Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God.

Benjamin Franklin

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