Evolution is the alleged process by which different species of living things change over time.

It’s like a slow and gradual transformation that happens in populations of organisms over many generations.

The theory goes as follows.

Imagine there is a group of birds living in a certain environment. Each bird in this group has a unique set of traits, such as the shape of its beak or the colour of its feathers. Some birds might have beaks that are better suited for eating certain types of food, while others may have feathers that help them blend in with their surroundings.

Now, let’s say that the environment, in which these birds live, changes. Maybe their usual food source becomes scarce. In this new environment, some birds with specific traits might have an advantage over others. For example, birds with longer beaks may be better able to reach food in harder to reach places, giving them a better chance of survival.

When birds with advantageous traits survive and reproduce, they pass those traits on to their offspring. Over time, more and more birds in the population will have those beneficial traits.

This is called natural selection; nature “selects” the traits that are most useful for survival and reproduction.

Of course, my cartoon takes it a step further by introducing transhumanism.

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