Marrying early has many advantages, especially for women, argues Los Angeles-based psychiatrist Mark McDonald.

One of the biggest issues with femininity is the biological clock. Women who delay marriage—because of, say, her career coming first—often find themselves in a rush to find a decent man when it’s too late.

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Conversation summary

  • Women marrying in their 20s is associated with safer pregnancies and childbirth.
  • Younger women are more fertile and, thus, more appealing to men.
  • Younger couples adapt more easily to marital and societal challenges.
  • Early marriage provides more time for a couple to enjoy life together before having children.
  • Marrying early allows for better future planning and setting shared goals as a couple.
  • Feminism advocates for career before family, resulting in a breakdown of the family.

Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.

Franz Schubert

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