Secret societies have existed for a long time and have played very influential roles in global affairs, says historian Tony Gosling.

Their history dates back thousands of years, in fact.


Knights Templar

The Knights Templar were founded around 1118 to protect Catholic pilgrims during the Crusades. They became one of the wealthiest and most powerful forces in Europe after setting up a banking system for the pilgrims.

Speaking of which, I recommend listening to my conversation with Steve Falconer about the Jesuit Order, and Frances Leader about the Black Nobility.


The Freemasons originated from the Middle Ages as a group of craftsmen who identified one other via signs of their trade. Many influential figures, including the Founding Fathers of the United States, were Freemasons. The Freemasons continue to exist today and are “known” for their charity work.

Freemasons, circa 1902


The Illuminati was founded by professor Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria in 1776 with the aim to replace organised religion with “illumination” through reason.


The organisation was allegedly stamped out by Karl Theodor of Bavaria in 1787, but it’s unknown whether or not it still exists. I think it does.

Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones, circa late 1800s

Skull and Bones is a secret society founded at Yale University in 1832. Each year, 15 seniors are selected to join. The society has had many prominent members, including several US presidents.


The Bilderberg Meeting, first held in 1954, is a gathering of powerful actors from North America and Europe. While no longer a secret society, its secretive nature and high-profile attendees nonetheless keep their lips sealed about the goings on.

Bilderberg 1954
First Bilderberg meeting, circa 1954

There are many secret societies that have existed (and perhaps still exist), but, due to secrecy, not much is known about them, such as:

  • the Rosicrucians,
  • the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
  • the Order of the Eastern Star,
  • the Bohemian Club, and
  • the Hellfire Club.


Tony gave me a brief history of some secret societies.

The secret societies have been the mainspring of every revolution and every war. They are the unseen power behind the thrones, and the puppeteers who pull the strings of the puppets who appear to be in power.

Lady Queensborough, Occult Theocracy (1933)

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