It is a fundamental aspect of human nature to seek meaning and purpose in our existence.

This quest often leads us to form beliefs, whether they be in the realm of the spiritual, like God, or the empirical, like science.

Firstly, let’s consider our innate curiosity.

From the moment we are born, we are explorers, trying to make sense of the world around us. We ask questions, we seek answers, and we strive to understand. This is the foundation of belief. We form beliefs as a way to explain the world and our place in it.

For some, this belief takes the form of a higher power or divine entity. The belief in God provides comfort, guidance (such as values and principles), and a sense of belonging. It offers an explanation for the mysteries of life and death, and it gives purpose to our actions. It is a belief that transcends the physical world and connects us to something greater than ourselves.

Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.


On the other hand, some people find meaning and purpose in the tangible and observable world. They turn to science. Science allows us to understand the natural world. It sometimes provides answers to our questions and sometimes solutions to our problems. It is a belief in the material.

Whether we believe in God or science, the underlying principle is the same: we are seeking to understand our world and our place in it. We are striving to find meaning and purpose in our lives.

Humans believe in something.

The Covid™ era has shown me the value in approaching “the science” with suspicion. I am very thankful that I did not get the jab.

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