Sean Parker was falsely accused of rape and was sentenced to eight years, four of which were behind bars.

In his conversation with me, Sean delves into what happened to him, from:

  • getting drunk with a girl in a pub, to
  • going back to his house, to
  • ending up in jail for something he didn’t do.

False accusations are common

I don’t know why women would falsely accuse men of rape, but it turns out that they’re a lot more more common than thought. Officially, around 2% of rape accustions (in the US) are false, but that’s simply untrue.

Any honest veteran sex assault investigator will tell you that rape is one of the most falsely reported crimes that there is. A command officer in the Denver Police sex assaults unit recently told me he placed the false rape numbers at approximately 45 percent. Objective studies have confirmed this. See Purdue Professor Kanin’s nine-year study published in 1994 concluding that over 40 percent of rape allegations were demonstrably false.

Craig Silverman, former sex-crimes prosecutor

Feminists like to argue that false rape accusations are essentially a myth and that we must ‘believe all women’.

So, what is going on?

  • Revenge, hiding cheating, or seeking attention.
  • False accusations are seldom punished.
  • Real rapes are underreported, meaning a higher number of false cases.
  • Proving a rape accusation false is very difficult. Society tends to side with women.
  • Definitions of rape can be very broad or open to interpretation.
  • Feminist #MeToo propaganda influences public perception and policy.

Sean’s journey

Sean correctly notes the evolving landscape of sexual assault laws, particularly focusing on how definitions (for example, rape) have expanded over the years. These days, ‘rape’ could mean just about anything.

A guy whistling at a girl, for example, is considered ‘sexual assault’ these days.

Society is going backwards

Sean points out that the number of reported cases has surged, not necessarily due to an increase in incidents but largely because of broader legal definitions.

He is correct.

These changes in law have made it easier for accusations to be made, sometimes without evidence, thereby affecting the lives of the accused – like his – and undermining genuine victims of rape.

That last bit matters.

Real rape – which is a serious act of violence – is minimised when a girl falsely accuses the guy, with whom she regrets having drunk sex, of rape.

Eventually, fewer people will believe the women who have genuinely been raped.

The media cries wolf

Sean also criticises the role of media in shaping public opinion on sexual assault cases.

He argues that media sensationalism, especially in high-profile cases, has made it increasingly difficult to find unbiased juries. Such influence not only skews public perception but also contributes to a legal process that is often biased against the accused. Sean suggests that this media-driven narrative can magnify isolated cases into seeming like widespread social issues, thereby diluting the gravity of genuine cases.

Again, he is correct.

Another thing to consider is the societal shift towards rewarding victimhood and the rise of academic activism pushing specific agendas. These trends, he argues, contribute to a culture where false accusations can thrive and where the lines between consensual activities and assault are increasingly blurred.

Sean was falsely accused

The false accusation against him happened during the height of the #MeToo movement which, essentially, had nothing to do with sexual harassment and everything to do with misandry and feminist propaganda.

For clarity, a woman slept with Sean, regretted it, and had him jailed.

What should happen to women who falsely accuse men of rape?

Here’s my conversation with Sean.

False rape accusations not only undermine real victims’ credibility, they also inflict irreparable damage on the accused.

Margaret Atwood

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