Sean Parker was falsely accused of rape and was sentenced to eight years, four of which were behind bars.
Put another way, a woman accused him of something he didn’t do, his life was ruined and nothing happened to her.
In his conversation with me, Sean told me what happened, including:
- getting drunk with a girl in a pub
- going back to his house
- ending up in jail for something he didn’t do
False accusations
I don’t know why women would falsely accuse men of rape, but it turns out that they’re a lot more more common than thought. Officially, around 2% of rape accustions (in the US) are false, but that’s simply untrue.
It’s way higher.
Feminists like to argue that false rape accusations are essentially a myth and that we must ‘believe all women’.
Why should all women be believed?
What is going on?
I would argue a few things are going on:
- revenge and cheating
- false accusations are rarely punished
- real rapes are underreported
- society tends to side with lying women
- definitions of rape have become very broad
- male-hating propaganda has gripped people
Sean’s journey
Sean correctly notes the evolving landscape of sexual assault laws, particularly focusing on how definitions (for example, rape) have expanded over the years. These days, ‘rape’ could mean just about anything.
A guy whistling at a girl, for example, is now considered ‘sexual assault’.
Sean points out that the surge in reported cases isn’t because more incidents are happening but because the legal definitions have been broadened.
He’s right.
These changes have made it easier to throw around accusations without evidence, ruining lives—like his—and taking attention away from real victims of rape.
And that matters.
Because when a girl falsely accuses a guy of rape just because she regrets having drunk sex, it cheapens the seriousness of real rape, which is a violent crime.
In the end, fewer people will believe women who have actually been raped.
Sean also slams the media for how it shapes public opinion on sexual assault cases.
He argues that media sensationalism, especially in high-profile cases, has made it nearly impossible to find unbiased juries, which not only twists public perception but also stacks the legal process against the accused. The media’s anti-men agenda can blow isolated incidents out of proportion, making them seem like widespread issues and watering down the seriousness of the real thing.
And again, he’s right.
On top of that, there’s the societal shift toward glorifying victimhood and the rise of academic activism pushing specific agendas, creating a culture where false accusations flourish and where the lines between consensual activities and assault are increasingly blurred.
Sean was falsely accused
The false accusation against him happened during the height of the #MeToo movement which, essentially, had nothing to do with sexual harassment and everything to do with misandry and feminist propaganda.
For clarity, a woman slept with Sean, regretted it and had him jailed.
What should happen to women who falsely accuse men of rape?