Susan Crockford is a zoologist with more than 40 years of animal science behind her, particularly in the field of Arctic animals (like polar bears).

The idea that global warming is the most important problem facing the world is total nonsense and is doing a lot of harm.

Freeman Dyson, theoretical physicist
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The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened is a book that challenges the predicted decline in polar bear numbers from 2007, discussing how polar bears became a symbol of global warming and the controversy surrounding their ‘threatened’ status. Her book highlights criticises scientists for relying on garbage computer models and ignoring rising polar bear populations since the 1960s.

If one were to believe the mainstream media, then polar bear numbers are dwindling because Earth is warming and all the ice is melting, and it’s all because you drive an internal combustion car and eat meat.

Stop killing polar bears (and granny), you insufferable demon.

Don’t you care about the poor polar bears?

It is all climate change propaganda and complete nonsense.

Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century’s developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a rollback of the industrial age.

Richard Lindzen, atmospheric physicist

Polar bears are fine

Polar bears are doing perfectly well and are not being endangered by global warming or global cooling or whatever the current climate fear porn is.

Their populations have remained stable for years and have even increased in some areas.

The impact of global warming on Arctic sea ice is negligible, especially since Earth hasn’t warmed since the 90s.

In other words, natural fluctuations in temperature and sea ice cover are responsible for changes in polar bear behaviour and numbers.

Susan’s research suggests that:

  • estimates from 2001 to 2015 show polar bear numbers between 20,000 and 31,000,
  • official counting of polar bears has changed, and
  • despite these counting changes, there has been an increase in the number of polar bears.

No matter how the data is spun, polar bears are not getting fewer.

To say that the debate is over is absolutely ridiculous… The consensus is reached through a show of hands on something that nobody understands.

Judith Curry, climatologist

Ridiculous Arctic predictions

Official data clearly shows that the ice caps are not melting and that there is no need for concern.

Yet, the hysteria hasn’t stopped for years and years, and it’s constantly on the wrong side of history.

Predictions about the future of polar bears are speculative at best.

Much like global warming predictions, the computer models used to estimate population numbers are both unreliable and unrealistic.

Hardly any change in Arctic sea ice in 30 years

Polar bears are amazing in the sense that they are resilient and adapt to climatic changes.

Did you know:

  • Polar bears are the largest land predators on Earth. Adult males can weigh between 410 and 720 kilograms, and measure up to three metres in length.
  • They are found in countries such as Canada, Russia, the United States (Alaska), Greenland, and Norway.
  • Their fur appears white, but is actually transparent and colourless.
  • They are excellent swimmers and can reach speeds of up to 10 kilometres per hour in water.
  • They can detect the smell of a seal’s breathing hole from up to 1,6 kilometres away.
  • Polar bears are generally non-aggressive toward humans and will typically avoid contact.
A polar bear selfie

I often hear that there is a consensus of thousands of scientists on the global warming issue, and that humans are causing catastrophic change. However, I am one scientist, and there are many, that simply think that is not true.

John Christy, atmospheric scientist

Here’s my conversation with Susan.

Polar bears may be extinct by the end of the century if the Arctic continues to melt at its current rate.

David Attenborough, making ridiculous claims

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